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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Neolithic pottery vessel
Sherds similar to the above, but in a harder better-fired fabric, though still slightly pitted. The fabric averages 8mm thick and the rim has had a diameter in the region of 140mm. The deocration comprises multiple horizontal and diagonal lines with reserved lozenge and chevron panels. There appears to be a dot-filled border around at least one of the reserved lozenges. The rim sherd has an internal bevel decorated with a single encircling grooved line, giving a concave or steeped appearance.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Upper Ninepence, Powys
Grid Reference: SO 2512 6136
Collection Method: excavation
Date: 1993 - 1997
Notes: in the Walton Basin area of Radnorshire, PRN 305
Donation, 31/3/1999
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