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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Iron Age copper alloy terret
Large cast bronze terret, comprising an oval shaped ring with an attachemtn bar on one longer side, whose margins are defined by two moulded collars. The ring is thinnest at the apex, opposite the attachment bar which is flat and rectangular in cross-section but convex in plan. There appears to be a slight wear facet on the underside apex of the ring. It can be identified as a Group I terret (Spratiling 1972; Macdonald 2007). A distinctly British artefact type, they have been dated to between the Middle Iron Age and early Romano-British periods being found in burial context dating between 400BC and AD150 (Macdonald 2007, 12-13).
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Find Information
Site Name: Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: While metal detecting on field under pasture. The terret was about 20 feet from the ring. Both finds were at a maximum depth of 18-20 inches below the surface.