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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Sampler, worked in wool on canvas with conventional patterns and designs. Religious text in Welsh. Inscribed by maker's name and date.
LINEN CANVAS, embroidered with coloured wools in cross stitch. In the middle, within a square compartment of a wavy stem, are the following texts and inscription: "Doethineb a adeila / dodd ei thy hi na / ddodd ei saith golofn / Gaenor Edwards / Aged 14 1842 / Oswestry / Da yw i wr ddwyn / yr iau yn ei ieueng- / ctyd". The surrounding space contains house, dog, bird, flowering tree and plant designs. There is a border of a narrow wavy stripe with triangular devices in the corners. Worked by donor's mother, Gaenor Edwards, of Llandderfel, Merionethshire, at a school in Willow Street, Oswestry, Shropshire.
Source: Guide to the Collection of Samplers & Embroideries (Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1939) by F.G. Payne.