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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Fish frying range, part of
Fish Frying Range C.1915-20 Cast Iron, ceramic tile, tinned steel, brass, glass. Large coal-fired range; cast iron construction, with tiled front, sides and balcksplash (green and white decorative tiles); oval mirror in centre of backsplash and 2 tiles with maker's name: Preston & Thomas Makers Caroline St. Cardiff; tinned iron and brass fittings on top for frying fish and chips with scoops and drainers; firebox at side for stoking fire.
Defnyddiai Mrs Tompkins, Llangynwyd, yr offer yma i goginio a gwerthu pysgod a sglodion yn ei pharlwr yn Llangynwyd rhwng 1947 a 1981. Roedd yn fodd i ennill arian ychwanegol i’r teulu.
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