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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Gradell / Maen Plât crwn o haearn bwrw i grasu bara, bara ceirch a theisennau uwchben tân agored. 'Gradell' yw'r enw arno yn y gogledd a rhannau o Geredigion; 'planc' yw gair y de-orllewin; tra defnyddir 'mân' (maen) a 'llechwan' (llechfaen) yn y de-ddwyrain.
Bakestone A round, cast iron plate used to bake bread, oatcakes and cakes on an open fire. It has many different dialect names in Welsh: 'gradell' in north Wales and parts of Ceredigion; 'planc' in the south-west; and 'maen' or 'llechwan' in the south-east.
A round, cast iron plate used to bake bread, oatcakes and cakes on an open fire. It has many different dialect names in Welsh: 'gradell' in north Wales and parts of Ceredigion; 'planc' in the south-west; and 'maen' or 'llechwan' in the south-east.
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