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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Christmas ornament
Figure of bearded man with pointed yellow hat, green cloak, red top and yellow breeches.
Head (with beard) moulded out of plaster with painted facial features and glasses. Grey fur stuck on either side as whiskers. Hat (wool/tabby) trimmed with embossed and gilt paper strip. Cloak, top and breeches all wool / tabby. Cloak is trimmed with narrow metal braid (warps = metal strips, wefts = cellulosic yarn) around side and lower edges. Top is trimmed with strip of embossed and gilt paper down centre front and with narrower strip of embossed and gilt paper along lower edge (lower edge is cut in a zig-zag line forming points in centre front and back and on both sides). White lace on cuffs. Ruff-collar of yellow velvet (faded from purple) with notched edges. Belt of paper with black shiny surface. Breeches are gathered below knee and lower edge cut into points which are trimmed with narrow strips of paper as above. Hands and legs made from painted wood (hands = pink, legs = grey with red stripes and black shoes). Torso below clothes is covered in undyed tabby weave cellulosic fabric.