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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Medieval pottery bowl
Rigoir Form 16. Half a pedestal base - the only example of form D5. The ware has rather more frequent minute grits than is usual in standard D ware, but traces of a black wash confirm the attribution. the walls of the pot have been carefully pared away, probably so that the piece can be reused as a pot lid.
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Site Name: Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: Cut XXV, Layer (4), Context C/D C: Black, usually greasy soil, with small angular rubble; much bone, charcoal flecking; rich in finds. D: Large, often slabby stones, with smaller stones interspersed; dark humus-soil; relatively few bones or finds. Excavation conducted in the promontory fort and the adjoining hill-slope enclosure. Cwm George : Cwrt-yr-Ala Park