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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Medieval pottery bowl
Fragemnt of rim and base, probably from the same vessel : Form E3. with everted rim, hollow neck and sharp shoulder. The underside of thebase and the lower part of the outer surface are crudely finished. Medium hard pink fabric with much quartz grit and a conspicuous amount of red grog. The upper part of the outer surface bears a thin buff wash or slip, marked with horizontal striations or wiping.
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Site Name: Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: Section 1; Cut IV, Layer (12B), Context C C: Black, usually greasy soil, with small angular rubble; much bone, charcoal flecking; rich in finds. Excavation conducted in the promontory fort and the adjoining hill-slope enclosure. Cwm George : Cwrt-yr-Ala Park