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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Medieval ceramic floor tiles
Lewis Group 21 no.324
Slip-on impression. 4-tile design: ribbon quatrefoil with double border outside and equal-arm cross inside; all the spaces are filled with a continuous black-letter inscription repeated four times: marc mathe:lucas:job / a:d:mcccclvi /miseremini:mei: misermini:mei / saltem.vos.amici.mei.quia: ma/nus.dni.tetigi: / me (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John. A.D.1456. Have pity upon me, have pity upon me at least ye my friends, for the hand of the Lord hath touched me). The words include a passage from Job xix,21 used in the Office of the Dead. BM Design 1468 (great Malvern Priory, Baynham Abbey).
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Llanthony Priory, Monmouthshire
Donation, 17/5/1979
length / mm:99.1
width / mm:76.1
thickness / mm:28.9
weight / g:163.8
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