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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Sauce-tureen and cover
Tureen, creamware, standing on an oval dish-shaped stand which is attached to the tureen itself, an oval tapering foot-rim to the stand, gently curving spreading sides slightly raised to either end, the tureen itself oval in shape, standing on a short pedestalled oval base, bulbous sides to the body with vertical lip-rim, a semi-circular notch to one side of the lip-rim, twin loop handles to either side of the body, the upper portion of each handle split into two, foliate moulding issues from the upper terminals of the handles, oval domed cover, the top of the cover on a raised step from the lower portion of the cover, a vertical plain loop handle to the top of the cover; painted in purple, green and brown with the 'purple vine' border, a running border of bunches of grapes, vine leaves and tendrils to the rim of the stand, the upper body of the tureen and the rim of the cover, brown bands to the outer rim of the stand, the foot-rim of the tureen, the body and lip-rim of the tureen, the rim of the cover and around the top of the cover, a brown ring around the handles of the tureen, to the top of the cover a number of brown leaves issue from around the handle, brown markings to the handle of the cover.
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