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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Bench No.6 with small drawer underneath. 83" x 32" x 29.5" [accession record entry]
Bench/work table four planks deep made from scrap wood nailed together, with a small drawer under the front edge. The front two planks are thicker than the rear two and the front corners have been cut off. The planks are held together by battens beneath. There is a small box/drawer (235 x 202 x 170mm) that fits below the front plank with a front and runners made of tin plate. There are two holes in the work top above the drawer allowing items to be dropped into it. Two of the legs are joined to a cross member at one end using nailed corner halving joints. The other two legs were nailed directly to the bottom of the bench. [RP; 15/12/2008]