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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Neolithic pottery vessel
Sherds from a large vessel in a fabric similar to P33 above but softer and with lighter brown surfaces. The fabric also appears to be less well-fired. The internal surface, particularly towards the base, is heavily carbon encrusted with the deposits reaching 5mm thick. The fabric averages 11mm thick. The vessel is decorated with vertical and oblique applied cordons which have been imperfectly bonded and which, in many cases, have flaked off the surface. There appears to be no other decoration. The base sherds an esitmated base diameter of c.160mm.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Upper Ninepence, Powys
Grid Reference: SO 2512 6136
Collection Method: excavation
Date: 1993 - 1997
Notes: in the Walton Basin area of Radnorshire, PRN 305
Donation, 31/3/1999
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