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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Stationary engine
Lister Start-o-matic air cooled diesel generator, Type SR2; entirely automatic in operation, starting when a lamp, heater of small motor with a consumption of 40 watts or more switched on; plant continues to run until all appliances switched off; incorporates Lister type SR Air Cooled Diesel engine running at 1500 r.m.p. for the 50 cycles output and 1800 r.p.m. for the 60 cycle output; self regulating self excited alternator close coupled to engine throught flexible coupling; starting windings provided for cranking the engine; bulk of controlling switchgear housed in a dust-proof casing arranged for wall mounting; starting contractor, high-low charge rate switch, charging resistance and battery fuse mounted in sheet steel housing above alternator; starter battery re-charged when plant running; high charge/low charge switch for battery