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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman stone quern
Upper and lower surfaces are both curved, the upper with dense tool-pecking and the lower entirely worn smooth in use. The spindle hole (diam. ca. 0.09m) appears eccentrically placed. The type is not otherwise known at Caerleon, which, it should be said, has produced remarkably few quern-stones for a fortress so widely excavated. It compares with the upper stone of imported lava hand-mills (of similar date and common occurence in military context), and may be a local product imitating their form.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Museum Garden, Caerleon
Grid Reference: ST 33 91
Collection Method: excavation
Collected officially, 26/4/1984
diameter / m:0.55
thickness / m:at crown - 0.04
millstone grit
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