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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Control panel
A thermal sensors control panel which was supplied to Llechwedd by Eurotherm (an electronics company which supplies and builds panels). This panel monitored the heat produced in the two bearing housing pedestals of the Rotary Converter. Two sensors were mounted on the bearing housings, and were connected to the control panel via a two core cable. A pre set temperature was programmed into the panel, so that if the temperature in the bearing housings exceeded this pre set temperature, the sensors would alert the panel. This was done in two stages - the first stage was the amber light being switched on to alert staff that the temperature had increased; failure to decrease the temperature would set off the second stage, i.e. the red light showing on the panel, which would ‘trip out’ a contactor, cutting off the electricity supply to the Rotary Converter, bringing it to a stop. This system was necessary due to the remote location of the Rotary House, Floor 5 (the main quarry work was located at Floor 7).