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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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A partial gilt silver cup, with applied ornament, set with stones and enamelled. The foot is inscribed WILLIELMUS:BURGES:ANNO:DOMINI:MDCCCLXX1:; the lapis lazuli knop is held by eight straps of linked silver trefoils; around the cup is a deep band in high relief, of applied silver foliage tendrils, and stones in high serrated settings. On the rim is the triplet; NOSTRUM STATUM PINGIT ROSA: NOSTRI STATUS DECENS GLOSA: NOSTRAE VITAE LECTIO:, apparently from a drinking song or poem. Inside the cup is a boss in champleve enamel with one of Burges`s personal emblems
The goblet, made for Burges himself, is one of three known examples of a similar design. Engraved beneath the rim is the triplet ‘NOSTRUM STATUM PINGIT ROSA: NOSTRI STATUS DECENS GLOSA: NOSTRAE VITAE LECTIO’. This appears to be taken from a work by the 12th century poet and theologian, Alanus ab Insulis. In it, Insulis describes how objects of creation are embodied with complex, emblematic meanings. The goblet incorporates colourful cameos and semi-precious stones, probably from Burges’s own collection.