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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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X-radiography machine
X ray machine used by consultants from the Royal Glamorgan Hospital to perform domicillary visits in the Rhondda Valley. Many home visits were to x-ray the chests of miners in the 1970s.
X ray machine used for visits in the Rhondda valley, 1970s-90s. Miners were linked to high mortality and sickness levels. It was no coincidence that pneumoconiosis, chest disease and heart diseases was so dominant in south Wales. Compared to other coalfield areas there was little alternative employment and men worked underground for many years. In the south Wales valleys in 1970 mortality from heart disease in men aged 35-44 was 75 per cent above the England and Wales rate. Mortality from stroke in men aged 35-64 was 50 per cent above the England and Wales rate. Two men played who played a vital role in improving the health of these miners were Archie Cochrane and Tudor Heart. By screening the health of whole mining communities in the Welsh valleys, both devised systems of working that saved the lives of those affected by the conditions of working under ground.