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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Medieval human remains
An incomplete inhumation of an adult female aged 30-40 years (extended, supine) in a plain grave oriented west-east. The legs were described as being "slumped into a deeper feature, possibly same as 'pit burial' feature" on the skeleton recording sheet, possibly referring to SK 602.
Elements present: Crania (pathology: possible endocranial lesions), mandible, maxilla, loose teeth, L and R clavicle, vertebrae, ribs, L and R scapula, L and R humerus, L and R ulna, L and R radius, pelvis, sacrum, L and R femur, L and R patella (pathology: osteoarthritis), L and R tibia, R fibula (possible pathology on malleolus), carpals, tarsals, metacarpals/metatarsals, phalanges, unsided fibula shaft fragments, miscellaneous unidentified fragments.
Intrusion: extra distal humerus fragment, distal R humerus fragment, L tibia. Duplicate elements possibly related to later burial SK 774 alongside.
Animal bone was also found in the grave.
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Site Name: Great House Farm, Llandough