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Baby's cap
baby's cap; plain lawn with ayrshire embroidery.
Baby’s cap worn William Llewellyn of Cwrt Colman, Bridgend. The cap is made from linen and is decorated with whitework embroidery.
William was born in 1849 into a family of considerable wealth. It is probable that the caps, vests, frock and binder were given or made by his mother as part of William’s ‘layette’. The ‘layette’ was supposed to contain everything needed for the clothing and care of a newborn child for the first few months of life. In the 1840s, it was recommended that a baby should have at least 4 nightgowns, 4 caps, 5 long robes and 4 flannel binders (to name but a few items). Linen was often used in the making of these garments as it is a fibre which absorbs body moisture well and can be boiled in washing.