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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman samian bowl
The upper zone is a simple leaf scroll of triple pointed leaves and five beaded bindings. The beads bordering the central moulding are of medium size, and the lower zone has a farily elaborate scheme of decoration with uprights and diagonals, incorporating various plant motifs (ears of corn, rosettes, leaves). There are numerous variants of the upper zone leaf, Knorr 1919, Taf. 30, 6 (Daribitus) is close to ours and he also uses a five beaded tendril binding. A large complex rosette or flower with central dots, used in the lower zone, appears to be like that on Knorr 1919, Taf 51, J (MACCARI) and Taf. 51, K. There are equally early parallels for the general style of the upper zone. However, there are also later parallels. Passienus has a similar leaf and a corn ear. The general design of Taf. 64, H shows some resemblance to our piece.
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Site Name: Usk Detention Centre, Usk