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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Crocheted rainbow, with suspension loop. Made by Ria Jenkins, Cwmparc, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Rainbows became a symbol of hope and support for NHS workers during the coronavirus crisis, with homes, businesses and public buildings across Wales displaying rainbows on doors and windows in solidarity.
A photograph of this rainbow displayed on a door is object number F2020.13.132.
Three circular clouds at either end (two small and one large). The smaller clouds are crocheed using a different white yarn: it has additonal thin ribbon strands of coated plastic. The strands appear pink but have a green sheen. Made from double layer of crochet. Reinforcing layer of thin cardboard (folded in half) in between the two layers of crochet. The card board has a shiny surface and has an orange, cream and brown print. Seven colours.