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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Bedgown, made from green tabby woven wool: thin brown warps and thick green wefts; selvages down centre back (skirt made from 2 pieces of fabric), elbow-length sleeves with green velvet cuffs (width = 4cm); velvet lined with light green cotton tabby; evidence of previous stitches a few centimetres above velvet cuffs all the way round the arm; bodice lined with green cotton sateen (small corner of fabric missing at proper left shoulder); centre front edges of skirt and hem bound in black synthetic fabric; centre front of bodice overlaps and is closed with 2 thorn pins; previous stitch marks indicate that bodice used to have alternative fastening of 5 poppers / hooks and eyes (?); other stitch marks on front of bodice indicate that it had 1 stick of boning on either side; steel hook at upper corner of bodice (proper left), corresponding with stitched loop on inside of proper right side; neck is lined with narrow green braid (width = 0.8cm) (silk or synthetic?); brown cellulosic herringbone twill tape attached to centre back of waist to be fastened with 1 steel hook and eye; 2 fabric-covered buttons at centre back of waist: left button covered in green wool fabric, right button = light-green, yellow, black and pink embroidery on black fabric ground, button is backed with metal; there are remains of green silk twill fabric underneath the right button; box pleats starting underneath each button; main construction all machine stitched; black synthetic fabric and brown twill tape stitched on by hand.