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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman pottery vessel
A buff Gallic amphora neck sherd; a white-slipped red ware flagon sherd; a white-slipped red ware tazza sherd; 5 grey ware jar rim sherds; 2 black-burnished ware bowl rim sherds; a red ware bowl sherd imitating form Dr38; 2 red ware vessel bases; a red ware flagon rim sherd; a red ware bowl rim sherd; a red ware bowl seated rim sherd; a red ware jar rim sherd; a red-slipped red ware bowl flange and a burnt samian bowl sherd, form Dr18/31
Dr 18/31R is a transitional form between a plate and a bowl
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Find Information
Site Name: Bear House Field III, Caerleon
Notes: Field adjoins the south-west side of the legionary fortress: 'B' material is from Building VIII. From the Civil Settlement. Building A - 28-37: occupation below tile fragments layer.