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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Model of Gorsedd
Wooden model of Gorsedd harpist wearing traditional Welsh costume and playing the harp. The model and harp has been shaped of one piece of plywood and the face and costume painted in detail on one side only. The harp strings are made of cotton thread and are attached to small wooden/ply pegs on one end and feed through small holes at the other; the harpists arm is attached to the main body with a small pivot so that the arm can move up and down; the whole is glued to a rectangular base of bare plywood.
This member of the Gorsedd is part of a larger model of the Gorsedd of the Bards. The toy model was made about 1914 at the Vale of Clwyd Toy Factory in Trefnant which was set up by Miss Mary Heaton, originally to provided employment for local farmers during the winter months. Later, the company also employed wounded soldiers during and after the First World War. The model of the Gorsedd was displayed during the 1915 Bangor Eisteddfod which had been postponed in 1914 due to the outbreak of war.