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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman pottery vessel
2 Caerleon ware bowl sherds imitating form Dr44 (probably 2nd century); a Central Gaulish black-slipped beaker base; a Caerleon ware bowl sherd; a Caerleon ware beaker sherd; a Caerleon ware vessel foot ring; a grey ware bowl sherd imitating form Dr37; 3 black-burnished ware jar rim sherds; a black-burnished ware bowl sherd; a grey ware bowl sherd; a Caerleon ware seated rimmed jar sherd; a red-slipped red ware flagon sherd; 2 red ware cup sherds (one red-slipped) imitating form Dr33; a red ware bowl sherd with a flanged rim; a red ware jar sherd; a Caerleon ware pot lid; 2 sherds from different vessels - possibly testum lids; 2 large red ware pot lids and a grey ware vessel handle.
Dr 37 is a hemispherical decorated bowl
Dr 33 is a conical cup with a footstand
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Find Information
Site Name: Caerleon Amphitheatre Field (Sept 1955), Caerleon
Notes: From the Civil Settlement - excavations conducted in field to the south of the amphitheatre. At 11: in pink clay and occupation below humus.