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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Neolithic pottery vessel
Upper portion and one small base sherd from a large undecorated barrel-shaped vessel. The fabric is hard and well-fired with large inclusions up to 6mm across. The inner surface has considerable carbonaceous build-up. The rim is slightly inturned, has a sharp rounded top and vertical internal bevel. One sherd has a pie-crust effect on the rim suggesting that it may have been decorated at intervals on its circumference. A low, applied cordon encircles the vessel at the point of maximum diameter c.45mm below the rim, and vertical applied cordons run down from this.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Upper Ninepence, Powys
Grid Reference: SO 2512 6136
Collection Method: excavation
Notes: In the Walton Basin area of Radnorshire
Donation, 31/3/1999
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