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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Pleistocene straight tusked elephant tooth
A complete adult straight tusked elephant lower molar tooth. The tooth has moderate wear on its surface. It has suffered badly in the past and has been reconstructed from separate plates, which have sheared nad fractured in the past. The root is substantially complete, with just minor damage to it in places. The tooth is heavily stained a yellow-brown colour.
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Site Name: Minchin Hole Cave, Gower
Notes: The specimen was marked 'Minchin CAve' and 'Eevelephas antiquus' and is therefore probably one of the original syntypes of P. antiquus. It has lost its MSS label - probably Falconers but forms a part of Col. E.R. Wood's collection. Note by Andrew Currant, Natural History Museum, London 18th November 1991.