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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman samian bowl
The rim is sharply everted and the central moulding narrow, but the profile is not as angular as the average Flavian 29. The upper zone has small neat panels of arrowheads, small upright heart shaped leaves and corded medallions containing birds. There is a middle zone of short straight gadroons, and beneath is a main frieze of festoons and tassels, the festoons containing birds and the tassels fromed of triple poppy heads. The surviving birds in the upper zone are close to O.2246, while those in the festoons are slightly smaller than their nearest equivalents in Oswald, O.2264 and O.2230. Many of the elements can be paralleled on the work of Passenus: the corded medallion and the poppy heads are details used by him. Knorr 1919, Taf 63, C and , Taf 64, G and Knorr 1952, Taf. 48, C, all by Passenus, are similar in style to our piece.
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Site Name: Usk Detention Centre, Usk