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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Ancient Greek pottery lamp
Lamp of Laconian style - Greek(Sparta) from 1st Century BC. Red/brown coloured clay, painted orange/red except the lowest portion of the body and the base, paint has gone a darker colour on handle and top of lamp possibly through use. On front and sides and nozzle and black traces of burning and the clay has turned a grey colour from heat. Round body with rounded sides, tubular nozzle - projecting with a large wick hole joining the body at curved angle at sides and base. End of nozzle splays out and terminates in a slight curve which forms the front of the lamp. Lamp has an applied single groove handle extending from just behind the filling hole and rejoining at the widest part of the body. Lamp on a raised base with traces of wheel removal marks.
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Site Name: unprovenanced,