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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Neolithic / Bronze Age flint knife
Flake from a polished flint axe, reworked with retouch along both margins. Possibly a knife or arrowhead?
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Site Name: Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: N- Natural red clay with artefacts O - spread of ash and charcoal on the OGS, sometimes associated with built hearths. A - Powdery soil, usually light in colour, with some stone, much bone, charcoal flecking. B - Reddish CLay or soil with angular rubble or gravel, all with an unweathered freshly-quarried appearance; very little bone or other rubbish. C - Black, usually greasy soil, usually with small angular rubble; much bone, charcoal flecking, rich in finds. D - Large, often slabby, stone, with small stones interspersed; dark humu soil; relatively few bones and finds. H - humus on back of ban, thin towards crest, deeper towards interior, some shattered bone, some artefacts.