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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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ECM: Margam; Ilquici Cross (replica)
Shaped rectangular slab, with a cross carved on each face; the edges of the slab have been notched and panelled in the areas roughly corresponding to the horizontal arms. All the faces have carved ornament. A. The face is formed by plain rounded angle mouldings: 1. within a frame that follows the contours of the angle moulding, is a panelled ring cross with slightly splayed arms, radiating from a central boss surrounded by a moulded double ring. The decoration round the cross consists of highly curved and straigh-line patterns.; 2. the lower half of the frame contains a worn Latin inscription. B & D. Both edges are similarly ornamented: 1. with plain spaces above arm-ends, edged by moulding; 2. plain slightly projecting arm-ends, similarly framed; 3. below each arm-end is a panel of debased fret-pattern. C. Similar elevation and angle mouldings to A: 1. framed within a plain inner moulding, a panelled cross-form; 2. plain lower half, except for a centrally placed outline cross.
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Site Name: Cwrt-y-defaid Farm, Margam
Notes: First noted at above location, circa. 1693. Original monument later added to the Margam lapidary collection, now located in the Margam Abbey Museum.