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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Medieval bone comb
Reconstructed ribs and teeth of a double sided comb. Originally held together by 4 iron rivets, one at either end and two set close together in the centre. The central ribs are of a thin rectangular section with bevelled edges. Both sides are ornamented with 2 square groups of 6 dot and circle motifs. Teeth were even on both sides. The comb has flattened ogival end plates with central perforation. A further 2 teeth fragments survive.
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Site Name: Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: Section 12, cut XVII, Layer 12. Context A/O A: Powdery soil, usually light in colour with some stone, much bone, charcoal flecking. O: A spread of Ash and Charcoal on the old ground surface, sometimes associated with built hearths.