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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Sir Richard Lloyd (1696-1761)
Sir Richard Lloyd (1696-1761), Recorder for Harwich, Orford and Ipswich, was MP respectively for Mitcham, Malden and Totnes between 1745-59, and retired on his appointment to a judgeship of the Exchequer in 1759. The portrait probably dates from the early 1750s when Gainsborough was working in his native Suffolk or Ipswich, although the cut and pattern of the splendid waistcoat recall the fashion of the previous decade.
Roedd Syr Richard Lloyd (1696-1761), Cofiadur Harwich, Orford ac Ipswich, yn AS yn ei dro dros Mitcham, Malden a Totnes rhwng 1745 a 1759, ac ymddeolodd pan gafodd ei benodi'n farnwr y Trysorlys ym 1759. Mae'n debyg fod y portread yn perthyn i ddechrau'r 1750au pan oedd Gainsborough yn gweithio yn ei ardal enedigol yn Suffolk yn Ipswich, er bod toriad a phatrwm y wasgod hardd yn ein hatgoffa o ffasiwn y degawd blaenorol.
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