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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Welsh costume apron
apron, made from black tabby woven wool fabric with thin white double stripe (each stripe = one warp); made from 2 lengths of full-width fabric (selvages along edges and along centre front seam - i.e. full length of woven fabric = 55.5cm); hand-stitched c. 2.8cm wide horizontal tuck at c. 13cm above hem; small (0.8cm wide) turnback at hem. upper edge gathered into black sateen (modern?) waistband: inside = selvage machine stitched to wool, outside is hand-stitched with overcast stitches; ties are extension of waistband - they are machine stitched along lower edge with purple thread (front) and black thread (reverse); on the proper left side, these purple machine stitches reach along lower edge of waistband by 18cm.