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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Late Bronze Age bronze object
Bronze Age small bronze fragments
Dimensions: (1) 4.1mm by 3.2mm, thickness 3.3mm; (2) 3.3mm by 2.6mm, thickness 1mm; combined weight of fragments 1 & 2 < 0.1g.
These are two small bronze fragments of undiagnostic form. Although probably once part of one or two of the objects in the hoard, no conjoin may now be discerned. The original surfaces have a grey-green patina, with powdery light green surfaces along the break edges.
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Find Information
Site Name: Coychurch Higher Community, Bridgend,
Notes: Please treat the Ordnance Survey grid reference to the precise findspot as CONFIDENTIAL. The find is to be referred to as from Coychurch Higher Community. The maximum permitted findspot accuracy to be released to the public is to the 4 figure OS grid reference of SS 96 86. These two small bronze crumb fragments were discovered during the archaeological findspot investigation of this hoard. They were found within the detector-pit backfill. An archaeological findspot investigation was undertaken by Amgueddfa Cymru and PAS Cymru staff on 30th August - 2nd September 2022. During this fieldwork, a fragmentary bronze spearhead of Group 11 (Davis 2015) was discovered in situ. This was carefully lifted in soil block, cleaned and recorded in the conservation laboratory at Amgueddfa Cymru. As the highly fragile and fragmentary artefact could not be conserved of cared for, long-term, it was discarded and the complete salvaged record of the artefact was retained.