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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Large mug of grey stoneware, standing on a flat base with incised band creating a broad foot rim, above this three further incised bands; the body cylindrical with one further incised band below the lip rim; broad strap handle with rough ogee moulding to lower terminal; applied to the body with moulded sprigs, a man on a horse and three pairs of hounds pursuing a stag, above this scene applied with two Italianate style buildings, four stylised tree motifs, and a central plaque of a punch party based on Hogarth's 'Midnight Modern Conversation'; a man seated at table with an ale jug, another raising a tricorn hat, another with raised mug falling backwards all beneath a mullioned or grated window; the upper portions of the body and handle with a dark manganese- brown slip with a lustrous quality, a clear salt-glaze to the whole body, giving an orange-peel effect to the areas of colouration; the interior with a reddish brown wash beneath the salt-glaze and with pronounced throwing rings.