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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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ECM: Llanddetti; Gwaddan Stone (replica)
A.1. Latin ring cross with two pairs of unidentified motifs (each including semi-circles) in the interspaces. The shaft of the cross extends downwards into; 2. an oblong panel containing a Latin inscription. B.1. "Fish symbol" set vertically, enclosing a linear cross, 2. Latin cross in panel and, 3. Elongated panel containing a Latin inscription. C.1. Linear Latin cross inside an outline cross, 2. Central oblong panel containing a linear Latin cross, 3. "Fish symbol" set vertically, tail downwards, 4. Z-shape within panel. its middle line set vertically and, 5. Unidentified motif. D.1.Top element of the decoration trimmed away, 2. Cross motif made up of a double outline with opposing T's inside, 3. Linear cross-potent, the top enclosed in a double outline; the shaft extending downwards into, 4. Oblong panel with curvilinear base containing a Latin inscription. E. (top) 1. Linear cross.
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Site Name: St Tetta's Church, Llanddetti
Notes: Original monument was formerly discovered in the church, where it is still located; repaired and set up inside, in the blocked doorway on the S. side of the church towards its E. end.