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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman bone knife handle
Rectangular object, now broken longitudinally. Broken. Towards the upper end there are the remains of a rectangular cut out area and (?) pelta decoration. Along the broken edge are traces of a saw cut and a perforation while both narrow edges have traces of well worked decorative grooves. The lower end has a series of grooves cut away and perforated centrally. The function of this object is unceratin. The lower decoration and perforation is suggestive of a clasp-knife handle, but there is no sign of staining from either bronze collar or rivet, normal on these. The lateral cut might also have been to receive an iron blade but there is no evidence of it ever having done so. The shape is unparalleled from which this object has been cut is also uncertain, and may be ivory rather than bone. The possibility may be that this is indeed a clasp-handle, but unfinished.
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Site Name: Caerwent Temple Site, Caerwent