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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman samian bowl, decorated
Small bowl. free style decoration, bordered above by a wavy line and below by a bead row. A pendent leaf hangs from the wavy line. Immediately above the bead-row is a thin double lion. The decoration is composed of repeated trees of slightly varying designs, with animals and annular ornaments in the field. (1) Trees :- (a) The two outer trees are represented with quinque-foil leaves (D.1141) ; (b) the central tree has tre-foil leaves (D.1129) (2) Two hares with ears flat on the back (cf.D.950A) vis-a vis, with the tree intervening. This arrangement is probably repeated throughout the whole circumference of the bowl. (3) Dog running to R. (D.919), repeated. (4) Rising from, and through, thethin double delimiting line are two quinque-foil leaves. Glaze and workmanship badly preserved.
Dr 37 is a hemispherical decorated bowl
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Site Name: Brecon Gaer, Powys
Notes: From the occupation-layer of the praetentura.