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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman copper alloy nail cleaner
Elongated triangular blade cleft at the end. Above the blade double crescents project from the sides before a rectangular head pierced by a small circular hole. One face is decorated with stamped dot-and-ring motifs of varying size. Cf Richborough Bushe-Fox 1949, Pl XXXV,No 125 similar head and projecting crescents although the dot-and-ring motifs make up a different pattern; 4th century. Condition: broken across the hole and at the end of the blade. Bent in the middle.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Segontium, Caernarfon
Grid Reference: SH 485 624
Collection Method: excavation
Date: 1976
Notes: Context, Code: 1513, Feature type: pit, Date of context: phase 10 late 4th century
Donation, 31/3/1982
length / mm:51 (broken)
width / mm:12 (max.)
copper alloy
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