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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Vase and cover, probably press moulded, handles and foot applied separately. Vase with spreading trumpet foot joined to body with a band of pendant lappets under beading; bulbous body with moulded leaves around base; high waisted neck separated from body by moulded scrolls and a central pendant husk on either side; pair of foliate double scrolled handles attached at base of shoulder with a naturalistically painted mask terminal above asymmetric scrolling, and at rim; shaped scrolled rim with a central shell on either side; high domed cover, pierced with petalled flowers, scrolled ring knop. Foot and cover painted in pink enamel with overlapping deep pink scales and gilding. Body of vase painted on one side with rural scene after Watteau showing old lady, boy and dog, the old lady begging alms or about to tell the fortune of a fine lady accompanied by a young man, classical vase behind; and on the other with seven exotic birds in a landscape ; pair of exotic birds each side of neck. Extensive gilding delineating relief areas: scrolls, hair and beard of mask terminals, husks, shells, flowers on cover; band of egg and dart gilded decoration around foot.
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