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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Roman lead spindle whorl
A spindle whorl of Late Iron to early Roman periods.
It is a perforated circular donut shape with one side flat and the other convex.
Similar looking spindle whorls were found during earlier excavations on the same site, but were all unstratified. Objects like these can be difficult to date but studies (Walton, Rogers, 1997, p.1743) suggest that spindle whorls with a diameter of 4-8mm are more likely to be late Iron Age or early Roman. This date fits with the surrounding 1st century roundhouse context.
A spindle whorl is a weight that would be attached to a spindle, which itself is a tool used for spinnig yarn.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Five Mile Lane, Vale of Glamorgan,
Grid Reference: ST 07774 71749
Collection Method: excavation
Date: 2017
Donation, 8/8/2023
weight / g:1.66
external diameter / mm:12
diameter / mm
internal diameter / mm:3
diameter / mm
thickness / mm:5
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