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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Company of Trees
In this film, a figure in a red dress walks circles around numbered beech trees marked for felling. The film cuts back and forth between a changing forest landscape in a pulsing, hypnotic rhythm. The painted numbers mark the forest as a site of production and is juxtaposed with the enchanted quality of the landscape.
These images are stills from a film or video artwork. Artist films are often created with specific experiences or physical spaces in mind. As a result, and for additional copyright reasons, we’re currently unable to show the full work as it was intended online.
Image: © Helen Sear. All Rights Reserved. DACS 2024/Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales
Collection Area
Item Number
NMW A 24909
Purchase - ass. of DWT, 11/7/2017
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