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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Hand-stamp, having wooden handle (painted black) with circular rubber stamp fixed to underside of square brass plate. Cork cushioning layer fixed between stamp and plate, with brass ferrule between plate and handle.
Hand-stamp used in conjunction with the annual Eisteddfod held at the Oakdale Workmen's Institute. First held in 1917 in the 'huts' (former workers' barracks that were adapted for use as meeting rooms and a library) the Eisteddfod moved to the newly-built Oakdale Institute buliding in 1918. Within a few years, however, the Eisteddfod was abandoned owing to lack of interest, the last such event being held there in 1922. This hand stamp must therefeore date to either 1917 or 1918 (date of the first Eisteddfod in the new Institute building), and can be no later than 1922. (Source: Gerallt D. Nash & others; Workmen's Halls and Institutes: Oakdale Workmen's Institute, NMGW, Cardiff (1995), p 21 & 23).