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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Medieval ceramic crucible
Type series of knobs and restored bowls. Crucible bowl nearly complete. Complete bolw from a lidded crucible. The bowl is pear-shaped and relatively shallow. The fabric is remarkable in that it appears to be composed largely of grains of quartz of very uniform size, rather than of fine grained clay wth larger quartz grits added. As a result the constituent parts of the crucible bowl, lid and outer envelope have all fused together. They can, nonetheless, be distinguished by fracture lines. The outside of the crucible is very highly vitrified and the envelope has taken onthe hardness of stoneware and in olaces the colour of celadon. The interior of the bowl is not vitrified, but the spout is slightly heat cracked. There are minute flecks of gold towardsthe lip of the spout and towards the rear of the bowl, and in the the spout is one blob about 0.5mm diameter.
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Site Name: Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan
Notes: Section 11, Cut XXII, Layers (2c), Context C C: Black, usually greasy soil, with small angular rubble; much bone, charcoal flecking; rich in finds.