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The Japanese Doll
JOHN, Gwen (Bu Gwen John yn mynychu Ysgol Gelfyddyd Gain y Slade yn Llundain rhwng 1895 a 1898, a bu'n astudio am gyfnod byr ym Mharis. Ym 1903, aeth gyda Dorelia McNeill ar daith gerdded trwy Ffrainc. Erbyn dechrau 1904, roedd wedi ymsefydlu ym Mharis. | Gwen John attended the Slade School of Fine Art in London between 1895 and 1898, and studied briefly in Paris. In 1903, she accompanied Dorelia McNeill on a walking tour through France. By the beginning of 1904, she had settled in Paris.)
This still life is set in the artist's studio in Meudon in France. Many of the objects in the picture are familiar studio props, such as the round table, the rectangular box and the checked cloth, and they appear frequently in Gwen John's work. However the Japanese doll only appears in this painting and in a second version of it, and introduces a splash of colour into what is otherwise a study of tone. It was acquired by Julia Quinn Anderson, the sister of Gwen John's patron John Quinn, around 1930. She was presumably referring to this work when she commented in a letter to Gwen in July 1928, 'I am sorry that the painting of the doll was not finished'.
Collection Area
Item Number
NMW A 25990
JOHN, Gwen
Date: 20th century - (first half)
Purchase - ass. of NACF, DW, 8/2003
Purchased with support from The Derek Williams Trust and The National Art Collections Fund
(cm): 33
(cm): 40.6
h(cm) frame:42.7
w(cm) frame:50.5
d(cm) frame:6.5
oil on canvas
Techniques (fine art)
art dept - fine
Fine Art - painting
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