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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Sash to be worn round neck (probably Juvenile Good Templars).
Made of blue ribbon: coarse wool (2/2 twill, 4.1cm wide, narrow white stripes along sides [=12 picks]).
Circular sheet brass plaque with raised inscription is stitched through 4 holes over both ends of the ribbon: 'Independent Order of Good Templars International Supreme Lodge / Faith and Charity / Our Field' stamped to badge (see Inscriptions above).
Diamond-shaped badge stitched onto proper right front of the blue ribbon. Made from red silk warps and red and white cotton wefts. It depicts a white globe on red ground; across the globe are the letters: 'I.O.G.T' (= International Order of Good Templars). The badge is cut from a 3.7cm wide ribbon (2 sides being selvages).