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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Medieval human remains
An incomplete inhumation of an adult male aged 33-45 years (extended, supine) in a wooden coffin oriented west southwest-east northeast. The coffin was laying on bedrock. Most of the lower legs are missing.
Elements present: crania, mandible, loose teeth (pathology: lots of calculus, abscess, worn, caries), vertebrae, L and R humerus, L and R clavicle, L and R radius, L and R ulna, L and R scapula, ribs, carpals/tarsals, metacarpals/metatarsals, phalanges, L and R femur, L tibia (pathology: very large mass of bone growth on anterior, no obvious lesion or break - osteomyelitis?), fibula shaft fragment, pelvis, sacrum fragment, unidentified fragments.
Collection Area
Archaeology & Numismatics
Item Number
Find Information
Site Name: Great House Farm, Llandough
Grid Reference: ST 1681 7331
Collection Method: excavation
Date: 1994
Donation, 28/7/1994
Should any artefacts be placed on display in any museum, then Ideal Homes Wales Ltd. should be acknowledged as the donor.
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