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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Early Bronze Age bone belt hook
Early Bronze Age decorated bone belt-hook
Roughly rectangular shape with wide tapering hook on its upper surface decorated with four transverse grooves. The back of the hook is undecorated but has a central perforation that was drilled using a flint awl would have been used to attach it to belt or dagger sheath. It is slightly cracked and distorted from being burnt on the funeral pyre.
Siâp petryalog yn fras gyda bach llydan sy’n meinhau ar ei arwyneb uchaf wedi’i addurno â phedair rhigol ardraws. Nid yw cefn y bach wedi’i addurno, ond mae ganddo dwll yn y canol a gafodd ei ddrilio gan ddefnyddio mynawyd fflint a fyddai wedi cael ei ddefnyddio i’w gysylltu â gwregys neu wain dagr. Mae wedi’i gracio a’i aflunio ychydig ar ôl cael ei losgi ar y goelcerth angladdol.
This is the first bone belt hook to be discovered in Wales. It was found amongst the cremated remains of a young adult and child aged 2-8 years. The grave was dug into an older burial monument and the bones were accompanied by a Collared Urn and meadowsweet flowers.
Dyma’r bach gwregys cyntaf wedi’i wneud o asgwrn i’w ddarganfod yng Nghymru. Daethpwyd o hyd iddo ymhlith gweddillion oedolyn ifanc a phlentyn 2-8 oed a gafodd eu hamlosgi. Cloddiwyd y bedd mewn tomen gladdu hŷn ac roedd Wrn Colerog a blodau erwain gyda’r esgyrn.
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Site Name: Fan Foel, Mynydd Du
Notes: From the secondary cremation burial.