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Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales
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Wedding dress apron
Wedding dress consisting of a long bodice, skirt, neck ruffle, bustle and apron. The bodice and skirt are of very narrow striped bright blue silk. The apron is of coffee-coloured lace or drawn thread work. Worn by Mrs Eleanor Rees (née Phillips) on her wedding at St Elvan's Church, Aberdare, 1873.
Main section of the apron has two pleats and feeds into a waistband of grey tabby linen (?) which extends into a 43cm long tie on the proper right side. Tie is flat and there is no evidence that it was ever tied and no evidence of fastening at the end apart from a single pin hole. Proper left side finished off in line with edge of apron (no evidence of stitch holes, or fasteners). Lower edge of apron is finished with a 10cm wide trim pf pleated fabric (same as waistband). A 5cm wide cotton lace braid (similiar pattern to main fabric) is stitched to the side edges and over the pleated trim. All machine stitched.